
5, జూన్ 2021, శనివారం

మెలకువ అవసరం.



" I don’t think we are right yet to claim to be vishwa guru. We are not a great generator of knowledge or great innovators. We are actually an importer of knowledge, of technology, of ideas. Of course, this can change but not today. Secondly, being vishwa guru doesn’t necessarily mean that Indians lead better, more prosperous, safer, secure lives, which is our fundamental job, and not to change the world, get revenge, gain status or to get other people to say how great we are. What’s happened in the last few years is that foreign policy is being used for domestic political purposes… It is part of domestic image projection and is used for those purposes… All this projection of India being a great rising power, a global power and so on is essentially us. The world is much more realistic. The world measures your material power, hard power, your economy, your military strength, and your ability to run your own affairs well. Then they look at the softer dimensions… Today, I’m afraid that what’s happened recently has hit our soft power as well…"



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